DefTech's ST-L vs. GoldenEar's Triton One

To Doug Schneider,

Here's a showdown for you!

The [Definitive Technology Mythos ST-L and GoldenEar Technology Triton One speakers] seem to have the potential to take on speakers costing a lot more. Comments from CES on the Triton One point this way and I have read snippets of the same for the ST-L.

These may be the two highest-value-performing speakers on the market. How about reviews of both so we can get an idea of how they compare?

United States

I agree that these two speakers represent tremendous value; however, a shoot-out of them isn’t likely, at least not in the near future. We already have the ST-L in for review -- Roger Kanno has a pair and the review is scheduled to be published on sister-site SoundStage! Access in the next month or two. We’ll also include with the review measurements that were taken in the anechoic chamber at Canada’s National Research Council. We are scheduled to get a pair of Triton Ones for review, but that model is not formally on the market yet, so I don’t expect anything until summer, which will be well after the ST-L review is published. It’s possible that Roger will compare the ST-Ls to the Ones when they arrive, but only if the ST-Ls are still there. . . . Doug Schneider