To Philip Beaudette,

I’ve read your reviews of the Bryston Mini A and Mini T. It would be nice to have a bit of a comparison of the two. I’m looking for a system to complement my Rythmik Audio 15” subs. My primary goal is reproducing orchestral music with good dynamics. Good dynamics is why I’m looking at the Minis. Any suggestions or insights would be appreciated.

Bruce Fenster
United States

If you're looking for a dynamic speaker for large-scale classical music, both the Bryston Mini T and its smaller sibling, the Mini A, can certainly deliver. When I reviewed the Mini A, what impressed me the most was its ability to maintain its composure and play with low distortion even at volumes I thought would give it trouble. The Mini As might be miniature in stature but when it comes to their output, they are anything but small. Unless your listening room is quite large, I am pretty certain they will be able to reproduce the large-scale dynamic shifts in your music collection.

As you know, the Mini T is a larger version of the Mini A. As loud and clean as the Mini A can play, the Mini T can play louder still. Its bigger drivers can move more air and, in combination with its larger cabinet, its woofer can generate deeper bass. The Ts are better suited to a larger room where you can actually take advantage of their greater output and awesome dynamic capabilities.

Given that you are using multiple 15” subwoofers, I am going to assume that you have a fairly large room and/or that you really like to push the dynamic envelope. Without knowing anything else about your system or room, I’d be inclined to lean towards the Mini T over the Mini A. Since the Mini T can play lower in the bass than the Mini A, you should be able to cross that model over to your subwoofer at a lower frequency, thereby allowing the Mini T to play more full range. Furthermore, because the T can play louder in the bass, you might be able to dial back a bit on the volume of your subwoofer, which, in turn, could help to more seamlessly integrate your speakers and your subwoofer. Subwoofers sound best when they don’t call attention to themselves, but instead transition smoothly with your mains.

I hope that this helps. Please let me know if you have any further questions. . . . Philip Beaudette