To Ken Kessler and Doug Schneider,

Now then, these two articles were an excellent read! I am of an “age” when I still can’t afford the things I lusted after in my youth, simply because the sellers of said equipment are asking too much. They know all too well the premium one’s memories put on stereophonic WayBack machines!

Still, I do have several nice ’70s-era receivers and a few turntables, and recently purchased a—GASP!!!!!—Grace Link music streamer, from Grace Digital. It’s affordable. When I buy audio equipment, music is the only attribute that’s important to me. I’m NEVER influenced by my ego, just my wallet, ergo my choice. Thus, I added a streamer to my headphone and rotating retro receiver setup.

I still listen to records and CDs, but never to terrestrial radio. I subscribe to SiriusXM and Pandora Premium (or whatever they’re calling it now), and I still have Amazon Music Unlimited (but no longer in HD because I decided it wasn’t worth the money). My favorite Internet stations are The Great American Songbook, Crystal Radio (“Beautiful Music,” from Toronto, Canada), and The Breeze, out of Crown Point, Indiana. The two latter stations play what is often called “elevator music,” but I like it as it was one of the favorite genres of my parents while I was growing up.

“Sir” Doug, your lead photo made me smile. I am handi-capable (!) and would trip over your nest of neat stuff, but I’m envious of your equipment nevertheless. Well done, sire, well done indeed. I was never a skateboarder but one of my brothers was, so memories of those times flooded over me while I read your article.

And Ken? Familiarity breeds comfort, not contempt. Retro styling can do that and it seems to me that the so-called baby boomers will be the last generation to have memories worth recalling and building upon.

You gentlemen are good people. Thanks for the smiles.

Scott S.
United States