To Doug Schneider,

I read your article on speakers under $10,000. I am looking to spend more. Will you be writing an article on speakers more than $10,000? I was hoping you were going to write about that this month.

United States

Sorry for disappointing you. I had not planned to write an article about speakers that cost more than $10,000 per pair, but I’ll tell you here what I’d look at if price were no object.

Without a doubt, I’d consider Focal’s Sopra No2, which I already mentioned in that article. The No2 is “only” $13,999 per pair, so you could obviously spend way more, but I loved the way the pair sounded when they were here. I would also look at KEF’s Blade and Blade Two, which cost about $32,000 and $25,000 per pair, respectively. They are really, really cool speakers, and technically, they are at the cutting edge. I’d also look at Vivid Audio’s B1 Decade, Giya G3, and Giya G2, which are about $30,000, $40,000, and $50,000 per pair. I think the folks at Vivid are making some of the very best passive speakers on the market right now. . . . Doug Schneider