For about eight years now, the SoundStage! video team has been traveling around the world creating videos for the SoundStage! Network’s YouTube channel. The COVID-19 pandemic shut down much of that traveling for two years, of course. As restrictions have gradually lifted around the world, the team has been back on the road and in the skies—and with renewed enthusiasm and new ideas for content to shoot.
This first video in the SoundStage! Travelers series is a behind-the-scenes look at the team’s April 2022 trip from Canada to Germany to visit electronics- and speaker-manufacturer T+A, and then on to the Dutch sister-brands Crystal Cable and Siltech in the Netherlands. But the team wasn’t done yet. With some on-the-spot thinking and last-minute planning, they dropped in on the DGTL music festival in Amsterdam with Amadeus Meitner, of Meitner Audio and EMM Labs. There, the team got backstage, onstage, and all around this exciting music event. It was a thrilling way to cap off the journey—and it’s all captured in this video.